Month: April 2015

1.  What are a couple of scenarios on your list re: pressures that will weigh on your marriage? …What particular portions of God’s Word will help you (a) bear the burden, and/or (b) experience substantive & sustainable relief?

2.  What are a couple of take-a-ways from your time with the older couples that you have deliberately sought out for counsel and stories of marital reality?

3.  Having been created, sustained (Heb. 1:3), and redeemed by the Word of God – what are a couple of go-to passages that convict, comfort, and clarify marriage (and life) for you?

4.  What day and time do you have set aside for “just talking” and “merely praying” together?  What are your expectations for this time? (e.g. substantive/content, atmosphere/feelings/emotions/mood[awkwardness, feels “forced” or “artificial” …logistics/duration/scheduled weekly?).

5.  What are your plans & intentions for spiritual growth?  [individually and together]?

6.  Where do you see yourself/yourselves serving the church?  [individually and together]?

7.  What is marriage for? [personal fulfillment & happiness?] …consider the crushing burden of self-centered expectations on a marriage (the opposite = Philippians 2) …What’s the plan for killing selfishness???

8.  How will you – specifically – be a practitioner of shrewdness in serving your spouse (Luke 16)? [self-centeredness is the most havoc-wreaking problem in a marriage].

9.  Do you want to feed/fuel your fears, OR do you want to kill them? (dif. b/t FEELING and feeding/fueling).

10.  What’s your strategy for getting the thing you most need? (e.g. what does Lk. 16 presuppose?  What does Lk. 16 paradoxically prescribe?).

Bonus Questions:

a.  Whose promise sustains & stabilizes you?
b.  How do you handle disappointment?
c.  How do you handle disappointing others?
d.  What do you need that you’re NOT getting?
e.  What does it mean to be ready?
f.  What are your expectations today?
g.  How do you feel about seeming small and silly?
h.  Have you ever failed? …tell the story.
i.  Do you feel what he/she is feeling? (practitioner of empathy?).
j.  What do you do with your shame and guilt?
k.  What % of you is subject (dominated/governed by) your feelings/moods/emotions?

Tattoo Ideas

how does this prep me for HEAVEN?

Confounded!  CARECTRL? [what happened?  cope?  SR v. GRD *2 Cor. 1 …intimacy; impact]

always. all of life.  averse.  avoiding.  SHAME.

WHAT HAPPENED? – – – > cope =  SR or GRD


ALLY [my agenda] vs. MASTER

if you say “the church should…” then you’re saying that you will…

WCF [tree diagram]

FICTION & HIST. study’em to find out who we are.



*condemned (old self) conqueror (sin)

*condemned (sin) conqueror (new self …conviction)

*SR bldg an insurance policy …SR bldg the unsinkable [man made] … SR bldg the titantic

BOULDER BOYS [sisyphus]


WHAT HAPPENED? – – – > cope =  SR or GRD

Psalm 8

Psalm 46:10